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Showing posts from May, 2016

Google Classroom Adds More Features

What's new in the world of Google Classroom? Google Classroom has changed quite a bit since it was first released in 2014.  What started as a blended learning tool simply aimed at distributing and collecting assignments or links has now added ways to include quick formative assessments through questions and polls, reuse posts, sync due dates to Google Calendar, and more.  Check out the Google Classroom support page to keep up to date on the changes. When Google added the ability to save a post as a draft, it allowed teachers to prepare their assignments or announcements days or weeks ahead without their students seeing the post in their live Classroom stream.  Saving it as a draft allowed the teacher to choose when they would post the assignment to make it live.  Believe it or not, Google has taken this a step further and now allows teachers to actually schedule the date and time for the post.   Schedule your first assignment in Google Classr...