Typically, when I think about tools and techniques for collecting and analyzing data, my mind goes to one place: But after a brief journey to the final frontier, I think about the best ways to use student data to promote and progress student learning. Enter Google Sheets and Conditional Formatting! Teachers who use a pretest and posttest instructional model can use Google Sheets to record scores from their classroom-based assessments and then use the Conditional Formatting feature to 'color-code' scores. When the posttest data is entered and conditionally formatted, it creates a quick visual snapshot of gains that were made during the unit. Prior to the unit's end, teachers can use the data they gather to create differentiated groups based on students' specific needs and group them by similar assessment scores. Tracking data this way has many benefits such as: 1. Giving more focus to teacher Collaborative/PLC time. Teachers use this tool when they meet ...