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Showing posts from June, 2017

Summer Learning Opportunities for Edmonds Teachers

Summer Learning Opportunities For more information:     Check out the links by visiting the PDF  or visit the PD Portal For more information:    Check out the links by visiting the PDF  or visit the  PD Portal Summer Learning Calendar

How do you spell voice typing? Just ask!

On any typical day, teachers have to answer thousands of questions. Some questions have easy answers and others, not so much. I know one of my most common questions is, “How do you spell < insert any word here >?” Wouldn’t it be great to have a personal assistant that could help with all kids’ spelling questions? What if I told you that you already do! Thanks to the brilliance of second-grade teacher, Deby Comfort, you may never have to answer spelling questions again! She recently shared that she uses the Google Docs voice typing feature to have kids check spellings of words. After hearing this idea, I pummeled voice typing with some pretty difficult vocabulary to check it out and was totally impressed! To access voice typing, click on the ‘Tools’ menu and select ‘Voice typing’. Google Docs may ask permission to access the microphone and be sure to allow it that access. Once you do that, no one will ever have to ask you how to spell chrysanthemum ever again!

Two cool Chrome extensions you can use today!

Read & Write Read & Write is a Google Chrome extension intended to help learners who struggle with reading or writing online. However, all learners will benefit from using it. The extension has many great features including word prediction, traditional and picture dictionaries, text-to-speech, screen masking, speech-to-text, single-word translation, highlighting, and more! To access, look for a purple puzzle piece in the extensions bar labeled with an ‘rw’ . After clicking the extension icon, a menu will drop down with all of the Read & Write options. To hide the menu, simply click the icon again. For a short video tutorial, please follow this link for Read & Write Tutorial on YouTube . EquatIO EquatIO is a Google Chrome extension that makes writing math equations and formulas much easier. It allows Chrome users to type equations and formulas using prediction features, LaTeX editing, handwriting recognition, or speech input. There are also many pre-built...