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Showing posts from June, 2018

Building your Personalized learning Network for personal PD

Ignite Think about what digital tools you use to learn new things? What other digital tools do you use for personal projects? Why should you be in charge of your learning and professional development? How do the ISTE standards for teachers outline learning like this type of learning? Why should you learn the 3 C ’s: C ollect, C urate and C ollaborate? Learn how to utilize technology to learn, create a Personalized Learning Network and contribute professionally. Chunk Learn about the 3 C’s and process/think Collecting Collecting VS. curating Collaboration What is Collaboration? Process, Why should you do all 3 of these? Should you always make it to collaboration? As an Empowered Professional, ISTE Standards for Educators...

Be a model 21st Century learner

I remember when a friend graduated from college with her teaching degree, she received a mug that said something similar to “I will not shout in class, I will not throw things, I will not have a temper tantrum. I will be good because I am the teacher,” Of course it is hilarious, but it is also the truth: you have to model the way you want people (using this term loosely with teenagers) in your class to act. Through the years my teaching has changed as has the technology I use to teach. Going from a chalkboard to a whiteboard was terrific, but wow the overhead projector! I didn’t have to stand with my back to my class, and this was a much better way to teach. I have also always been an early adopter of technology. I used a computer with a 5 ¼ floppy disc to type up papers in college. I was in awe of the WWW and had the opportunity to use it in a job after college. I also used a computer to help with my productivity workflow as a teacher and I was awarded a Gates Grant so I could bring c...