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Write faster than you type? Let your Yoga help.

Glasbergen, Randy. "Randy Glasbergen – Today's Cartoon." Randy Glasbergen Todays Cartoon. (Cartoon ID:  toon-1377) Web. 17 Oct. 2014. <>.

A caffeine injection is not the answer, instead use your stylus!

Who has actually used their laptop as a tablet or used their stylus for a writing tool since first receiving the device?  For some, receiving a new computer is exciting, but for others it induces anxiety because you just figured out the old device. One of the unique features of the Lenovo Yoga is the fact that it has multiple uses.  This is good news for those individuals who happen to write quickly, type slowly, or think better with handwritten notes, but still want to make sure that the information is legible.   In a few quick steps you can convert your handwritten notes into typed text without needing to type the information yourself.  YIPPEE!!!

Taking Notes Using the Stylus

1.      Open a Google Doc or Word Document.
2.      In the notification section of the taskbar select the keyboard
3.      When the keyboard pops up, select the keyboard icon at the bottom right side of the keyboard.

4.      A menu will pop up.  Select the handwriting tool.

  1. Instead of a keyboard, the window will change to include an area to write.You will now be able to use the stylus to write.

  1. As you write, the words will turn into text.   

  1. If you are satisfied with the text and want to add it to your document, then select INSERT.  The sentence, phrase, or words will be added as text into the document.
  2. If it does interpret a word wrong, simply draw a line through it in the writing section and it will delete the word OR correct it when it is inserted into the document.
  3. When you are finished, simply select the X in the top right corner to close out the window

Instructional Ideas:

  • Demonstrate the thought process through writing allowing students to see ideas being recorded on the page.
  • Allow students to quickly write their thoughts, examples, etc... and have them recorded on a document that can be shared with the whole class or at a later date.

Have fun exploring the ways that the stylus tool can help you.

Please share additional instructional ideas in the comments.


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