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Prodigy Math - Gamify Maths Practice for K-7

Drill and practice sites for maths are nothing new, and the boredom students experience with them is completely understandable.  A solution to the problem of how to get students to practice maths, and how to make it engaging comes in the form of Prodigy Math.

Prodigy sets students in a fantasy role-playing world, complete with wizards, pirates, dinosaurs, and magical creatures.  In order to progress through the game, students must take part in magic battles with other characters (much like the early Final Fantasy games).  In order to cast spells, however, the player must answer a maths problem.

These problems are far from arbitrary -- they are aligned to Common Core standards, relevant to grade level.  The problem screen also give students an on-screen whiteboard to work through their problems, and manipulable tools (e.g. 10s and 100s blocks) to aid in visualisation.

Teachers can set up their students with accounts, and then monitor their progress against the various maths standards.

The site is free, but does encourage students to "ask their parents to upgrade" to the premium version, which allows for faster progress and better accessories for characters.  It is a web-based game, so this will run perfectly on Chromebooks or any mobile device.

To try Prodigy Math for yourself, you can log-in here:  and use my test character (Ralph Fruitspoon) with the following details -- username: Student01 password: sky38


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