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Teach Students How to Write Emails

Technology continues to grow rapidly.  As a result,  more people are connected electronically and are communicating regularly through social media, texting, and emails.  News agencies, businesses, and politicians readily advertise their email addresses or social media pages as a means to contact them.
However, the ease of communicating through email or any other form of technology can create some issues if not done carefully.
  • Has someone you know hit "Reply All" with a response that only applies to the person sending the message?
  • Has someone you know accidentally sent an email to an unintended recipient?
  • Has someone you know hit send before the message was completed?  Maybe they forgot an attachment or left out important information.
Chances are you have either been the recipient or sender of one of these types of emails.  Accidents happen right?  

In order to help prepare students for their future, they need to be taught how to communicate using technology and write for a variety of purposes.  How many educator's ask their students to email them assignments, questions, or concerns?  I know that during my teaching career, I have received some well written emails from students, but I have also received a fair share that were not appropriate due to word choice or content.  My inbox fills with enough Spam that I don't need students adding to it with links to videos or memes that they think are funny.  Since email is a common form of communication within the work force, teachers should include lessons on how to write an email and allow students to practice those skills.

How?  Check out these 3 sequential lessons that aim at teaching Email Etiquette.  The lessons can be modified to fit different grade levels and content areas.  Each lesson contains links to the presentation, assignments, discussion and formative assessment activities.  

Students today are considered digital natives, but that doesn't mean they know how to be responsible digital citizens.  Email mishaps will likely continue. Hey! We're human.  However, teaching email etiquette could help prevent many from occurring and possibly reduce the number of frustrating messages one receives.


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