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Technology + Maths = Learning

Use technology to help students learn maths!

As schools move to 1:1 with Chromebooks, teachers are looking for ways to integrate technology into their classroom as a way to engage students, enhance learning, and provide more access to materials.  Finding quality ways to integrate technology can be challenging and often requires rethinking pedagogical practices.  One of the most common questions I get from teachers is “how can I use Chromebooks in Math?”  In order to help answer this question, I decided to embark on a quest to pool together resources and ideas for using technology in math instruction.

Middle schools in the Edmonds School District have been 1:1 with Chromebooks for at least a year or more.  Every subject area, including Math, have found ways to utilize technology.  Lisa Song and Jennifer Hyppa teach Math at College Place Middle (CPM) school where they have their students use their devices to access online resources from ConnectED, search for math videos, practice skills, play math games to support learning, complete self-assessments and exit-tickets.  I have observed teachers at Meadowdale Middle School (MMS) implement MobyMax throughout the department and provide student choice and ownership of the learning.  Students were tasked in finding resources that would define the lesson vocabulary, provide examples of the concept, and help them achieve the learning targets for the day.   Instead of the teacher providing notes that explained the concepts, she challenged her students to discover them on their own.  These students were immediately engaged and approached the problem in different ways using their preferred method.  Some started by watching videos, others went in search of definitions, and some stuck with the information in the textbook, but every student in that classroom was engaged in the task.  

How can you include technology to enhance learning and engage students in Math?  Check out some of the resources and ideas included in the Math Instructional Tech Resources document.   If you have a lesson that integrates technology with math, please share in the comments section.  


  1. Love how this teacher put the students in charge of the learning by challenging them to learn the concepts by finding resources. Immediate increase in engagement and ownership. So simple, yet brilliant!

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