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Teacher Spotlight: Elementary Students Use Video Production to Inspire Writing

Walking into Cheryl Roth’s 5/6 grade classroom at Beverly Elementary can be like walking into a Hollywood editing studio. The classroom is alive with students hard at work on Chromebooks adjusting scripts, choosing music and graphics, and recording and editing video. On a recent visit, students were busy using WeVideo to create videos for their kindergarten buddies and were completely entrenched in the process.

“The kids are really engaged with what they are doing,” says Roth, “As they work on this project, they realize they have to rework and edit. They are working collaboratively and cooperatively to figure out what parts of their videos are strong and what needs more work.”

Roth has been using technology with students for years, but using WeVideo for student movie production is new for her this year. “It’s a way to get kids interested in topics,” she says, “Kids are so tech savvy and it is so much a part of their lives that I feel it has to be included in my curriculum.”

Roth expertly uses technology tools, such as WeVideo, to help students meet content standards across the curriculum. Students take the time to write scripts, carefully considering their audience, and then use technology to capture their words for the screen.

“Next up, we will be making public service announcements aimed at keeping people healthy,” explained Roth, “The kids love WeVideo and they keep going back and editing and making revisions until they get it just right. They are more cognizant of what they are doing and how the material is being presented.” Roth hopes this excitement and energy will continue as students begin to prepare oral presentations on other topics throughout the year.

To start WeVideo productions with students, go to and then log in with Google to get started. Edmonds School District students have access to premium accounts, which allow them to create longer videos, have a larger library of music choices, and conduct more powerful editing.


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