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Showing posts from November, 2018

Find Quizzes and Assessments on Think Central

If you've ever wondered where in the world you can find quizzes and assessments on Think Central , then this is the post for you! 1. Log into Think Central with your usual credentials. 2. Select the correct grade-level under 'Resources'. Note: If you don't see grade levels under 'Resources', you may need to select 'Math Expressions' in the dropdown menu to the right as shown below. 3. Click on the 'Teacher Edition' icon 4. Scroll down and click 'PDF Pages' 5. Click the 'Teacher Resources' link at the very top. 6. About halfway down, click 'Assessment Guide without annos' 7. To download, click the little arrow icon near the top-right. 8. You will now have the entire Assessment Guide downloaded on your computer!

Edit Video in Google Slides

So, you've embedded a video in Google Slides, but it's just too darn long for your presentation. You can edit the video by following these steps. 1. Open your Chrome browser and get to the slide deck where you've embedded the video. 2. Find the slide that has the embedded video. 3. Right-click the video. 4. Select 'Format options'. 5. Here, you can choose where to start or end the video, resize the video, or add a drop shadow around the video!

Embed Video in Google Slides

Want to really make that presentation pop? Why not add a little video to the mix? Here's how to embed a YouTube video into your Google Slide deck. 1. Open your Chrome browser. 2. Go to 3. Start a new blank presentation or open the presentation you're working on. 4. Create a new slide or go to the slide where you'd like the video to be. 5. Go to to find the video you'd like to embed in your slide deck. 6. Once you find the video on YouTube, click the 'Share' button and copy the URL. 7. Click on the tab where your Slides presentation is. 8. Click on the 'Insert' menu. 9. Select 'Video'. 10. Either search for your video on YouTube or click 'By URL' and paste the URL you just copied. 11. Click 'Select'. 12. The video will now be embedded in your slide deck!

Share a Folder in Google Drive

Ever had a hankering to share many, many files with lots of people all at once? Well, have I got the solution for you! What you're going to need to do is share an entire folder ! Some may ask, "Is that even possible?" Why, yes it is! Line up, one and all, to find out how...or just follow these steps. 1. Open the Chrome browser and go to 2. Find the folder you would like to share and right-click it 3. If you're only sharing it with a few people, select 'Share...' 4. Enter the names of the individuals you choose to share your folder with and click 'Send' 5. If you'd like to share your folder with the entire world you'd never have time to enter all their names, so you'll need to create a link. 6. Right-click the file, but this time select 'Get shareable link' 7. Click the switch icon to turn on link sharing 8. By default, the link can be used by anyone in the Edmonds School District, but if you want...

Create a Folder in Google Drive

Staying organized and keeping on top of my organizational skills is very important to me. It's especially important on my computer where I end up with hundreds--if not thousands--of files to sort through. In order to maintain my organizational black belt, I use folders in Google Drive. If you'd like your Drive organized, follow these steps. 1. Open your Chrome browser and go to 2. Near the upper lefthand corner, click the button that says '+ New' 3. Select 'Folder' 4. Name the folder 5. Find loose files in your Drive and drag and drop them into the folder 6. Spend a few minutes dragging and dropping and you'll win the Edwin G. Seibels Award for Extraordinary File Management!

Pin Tabs in Google Chrome

There are some websites I use almost every minute of every day. For me, these sites are GMail, Google Calendar, and Google Drive. Because I access them so frequently, I like to 'pin' them so they are always open and will open every time I launch my Chrome browser. To pin tabs, follow these steps. 1. Go to the site you would like to pin. GMail would be a great place to start. 2. Once the site loads, right-click the tab and select 'Pin tab'. 3. The size of the tab will shrink and it will move to the left side of your browser. 4. You can now close Chrome and the tab will be there, ready for you when you relaunch!

Split your screen to see two windows at once

Ever needed to see two different tabs or programs at the same time? Are you at your wit's end toggling between two different programs? There is a way you can split your screen so you can see both at once! To do so, follow these steps. 1. While looking at one of the programs, click the icon near the top right-hand corner of the screen that looks like two squares, one on top of the other. This will shrink the window. 2. Click the gray bar at the top of the window and drag the window as far as you can to either the left or the right. You will see the window change shape and take up half the screen. 3. Open the other program or tab you are looking at and follow these same steps, but drag it to the opposite side of the screen. 4. Now you will be able to view both programs or tabs at once! For a more visual example, please view the short video above.

Printable directions for students to access Google Classroom at home

Edmonds School District teachers below is a link to a printable resource to help students access Google Classroom and other Google applications at home. It also walks them through steps to get to the Clever Portal . In the document, there are four sets of directions: one for accessing Classroom and Google apps with Chrome, one for accessing Classroom and Google apps without Chrome, one for accessing Clever with Chrome, and one for accessing Clever without Chrome. Please click the link, print and distribute to any student you think could benefit from this. Printable directions for accessing Google Classroom, other Google apps, and Clever at home

Make web addresses manageable with URL shorteners

If you've ever had to get a lot of people to the same website quickly you may have noticed that typing URLs can be tremendously taxing especially if the site has an address longer than an Alaskan winter! A great way to avoid spreading the alphabetic vomit that is those nasty-long URLs is to use a URL shortener. Here's how to do it: 1. Copy the URL from the site you are trying to get people to access. 2. Go to . 3. Paste the link in the box under 'Enter a long URL to make tiny:' 4. You can just click the 'Make TinyURL!' button, which will assign a URL to you, or... 5. You can create a custom alias with any word or phrase you would like after the 6. Click 'Make TinyURL!' and you've got yourself a link anyone can type into their browser!

Accessing the Software Center

Hello, Edmonds School District employees! In this post, we're going to discuss accessing the Software Center to download applications on your computer. To access the center, follow these steps or watch the video tutorial above. 1. Click on the Windows menu in the lower right corner of your screen. 2. This will feel totally weird, but just start typing the word 'Software' 3. The menu will change and you will see an icon for the Software Center 4. Click the icon and you will be taken to the Software Center 5. Double-click any of the applications to download them to your computer Please note: This will likely not work off district property. Also, if your battery is low you will need to plug your computer in.

Change Sharing Settings in Google Docs

Have you got a big field trip coming up and need chaperones? How about a class celebration where parents have offered to bring in food? Did you know you can use Google Docs as sign-up sheets and make them available for anyone with an Internet connection to type in? Here's how to do it: (For more visual steps, watch the short video above.) 1. Open a new Google Doc, name it, and type any information you wish to share 2. Near the top right corner, click the button that says 'Share'   3. When this box opens, click the word 'Advanced' in the bottom right corner   4. When 'Sharing Settings' opens, click 'Change...' next to 'Private - Only you can access'    5. Select either 'On - Public on the web' or 'On - Anyone with the link'. If you want them to edit the document, click 'Can view' and change to 'Can edit'. Then click 'Save'.   6. Copy the long URL under 'Link to s...