Have you got a big field trip coming up and need chaperones? How about a class celebration where parents have offered to bring in food? Did you know you can use Google Docs as sign-up sheets and make them available for anyone with an Internet connection to type in?
Here's how to do it:
(For more visual steps, watch the short video above.)
1. Open a new Google Doc, name it, and type any information you wish to share
2. Near the top right corner, click the button that says 'Share'
3. When this box opens, click the word 'Advanced' in the bottom right corner
4. When 'Sharing Settings' opens, click 'Change...' next to 'Private - Only you can access'
5. Select either 'On - Public on the web' or 'On - Anyone with the link'. If you want them to edit the document, click 'Can view' and change to 'Can edit'. Then click 'Save'.
6. Copy the long URL under 'Link to share' and paste in an email, your website, or use a URL shortener to make it more manageable.
7. Anyone can now view and edit your document!
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