Google Sheets, which is Google's spreadsheet tool (think Excel), is a great tool for many purposes including creating graphs, calculating averages, tracking student progress, and many others! But, it can also be used for students--even very young students--to create pictographs of data they are collecting. The teacher will create a template and use a formula, but once that's created, kids can create pictographs to their heart's content! Here's how... 1. Open a new Google Sheets spreadsheet by going to or typing in the address bar. 2. Name the spreadsheet something that makes sense to you such as 'Sheets Pictograph'. 3. Label cell A1 with the word 'Item' or something else that makes sense to you. 4. Label cell B1 with 'Count' or something else that makes sense to you. 5. Hover over the 'magic cell' to the left of 'A' and above '1' and move your cursor to the bottom of the '...