Picture this! You just taught a brilliant lesson and you have tons of notes handwritten on the whiteboard or a piece of paper you were projecting. You snap a quick picture to save the notes, but you want to get them to your students in an easy-to-read document. Luckily, you can let Google Drive type the notes and convert them into a Doc for you!
Here are the steps to take to do it.
1. Upload the photo to your Google Drive.
2. Open Google Chrome and navigate to drive.google.com.
3. Right-click the thumbnail of the photo. Please note, the photo I'm showcasing in this post is of my handwritten notes I took in pencil during a meeting.
4. When the menu opens, hover over 'Open with...' and select 'Google Docs'.
5. Processing can take a bit of time.
6. When processing finishes, you will see a new Google Doc in your Drive that has the original image and editable text below. By default, the file will be named the same as your original photo.
7. The image always uploads sideways, but you can turn it by left-clicking the photo within the document, clicking the blue dot at the top and rotating in the direction that will turn it upright.
8. Ta-da!
9. The image is upright and the text is below.
10. My handwritten note wasn't converted to editable text perfectly, but unlike Mary Poppins, my handwriting is not practically perfect in every way. It is editable, so I can make simple corrections quickly and save the document in my Drive!
Side note: These same steps work for converting a PDF to a Google Doc.
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