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Google Docs: Compare Documents

Ever wonder how much work really got done between a first draft and a final draft? Take the mystery out of that question with one of the newest features from Google Docs. Comparing documents! This useful feature can show all the differences between two documents in the blink of an eye...okay, maybe several eye-blinks, but here's how to do it!

1. Open the final draft of a piece of writing

2. Click on the 'File' menu, hover over 'Version history' and select 'See version history'
3. Looking at the menu to the right, click on the first saved version (you may need to open a dropdown to see all the former versions)
4. When you find the first version, click the three dots to the right of the version's name and then click 'Make a copy'
5. A new document will open with the date and time the first draft was completed in the document title
6. Click the 'Tools' menu and then click 'Compare documents'

7. Click 'My Drive' to browse for the final draft of the document
8. You can type the name of the document to search for it. Click the thumbnail image of the document and then click 'Open' (you can also just double-click the thumbnail).

9. Click 'Compare'

10. Click 'Open'

11. A new document will be created showing all the changes made from the original text to the final draft! Link to example of document comparison if you wish to check it out.


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