There are times when it's very important people know when a document is a draft. One of the best ways to do this is to put the word 'DRAFT' in huge letters in the background as a watermark. This practice is relatively easy in Word. Google Docs? Not so much. But, never fear, there is a way to do it! Our journey begins with these steps: 1. Open your online Google Drive 2. In the top right corner, click the '+ New' button 3. Hover over 'More' and select 'Google Drawings' 4. A Google Drawings document will open. Name it something catchy that makes sense for what you're doing so you won't lose it. I named mine 'Draft Watermark'. 5. Insert a text box by clicking on the text box icon 6. Type the word 'DRAFT' (or whatever...I mean, you could insert an image, if you'd rather). It will be small, but you can highlight the word and change the font and size. I set mine at Ariel - 96. 7. While your word is stil...