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Google: Flip a coin, roll a die, spin a spinner

Several years ago, I taught a student who needed to roll dice as part of an incentive program designed by my school's behavior specialist. We were discussing different apps or programs he could use to roll digital dice before we thought, "Wait a minute, why don't we just give him actual dice?" Turns out, actual physical dice worked great, but what if they didn't? Google would have had us covered!

Google will flip a coin, roll a die, or provide a game spinner in case you are plumb out of the real thing.

To flip a coin...

1. Go to
2. Search 'flip a coin'
3. That's it!

To roll a die...

1. Go to
2. Search 'roll a die'
3. That's it!

To use a game spinner...

1. Go to
2. Search 'spinner'
3. This will bring up a fidget spinner, ugh...
4. But, wait, there's a toggle switch just above the fidget spinner that changes it to a number spinner!
google spinner

5. The default is to have numbers 1-6, but you can select anything from 2 to 20!
6. Click 'SPIN' and you're there!


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